Getting started at LingQ

1) Hello and welcome.

Please try to read this lesson.

Please try to listen to this lesson.

Please click on the white arrow in the blue dot on the right to listen.


Footer should contain links to videos, the Wiki and other sources of information, including availability of translations.


2) You can learn to speak English well.

You first need to listen and read a lot.

You also need to learn many new words.

Then you will learn to speak.

So please save the words that you do not know.


3) Words that are new to you are blue. 

Words that you want to learn are yellow.

Words that you know are white.

Keep studying at LingQ.

You will see more yellow words on your page.

You will see more white words on your page.

You will see fewer blue words on your page.


4) Please look at the arrow and printer near the top of the lesson.

You can download the sound of this lesson.

You can print the lesson.

Please listen to the lesson many times.

Please read the lesson a few times.

Try to understand the lesson, but it does not matter if you do not understand all of it.

Please go to a new lesson, even if you do not understand all of this lesson.


5) Look at the list of words on the right.

You can study them with Flash Cards.

This will help you remember them.

But you will still forget them. Don't worry about it.

See the pencil.

You can edit this list of words using the pencil.

You can print the list of words and study them.

If you review the words, it will become easier to remember them.


6)  Look at the four symbols at the top right side of your page.

These are the four main tasks at LingQ, listen, read, write and speak.

Click on the first symbol, the one for Listen.

Tell the system how many times you have read and listened to this lesson.

Click on the other symbols to do the other tasks at LingQ.

If you have a problem, you can look at the Help (?).

You can also go to our Forum and ask other members, in English or in your own language.

Where is the Forum?

You will find the Forum if you click on Community.




8) While you are in the Community please fill out your profile.

Why not make some friends?

You can make friends with people who are studying English.

You can make friends who speak your language.

You can make friends with people from your country.

You can make friends with anyone you like.

You can also write on your friend's wall.



9) Please click on Home.

You can see the lessons that you have studied.

Please check out how many words you know.

You can also see your weekly progress.

Maybe you can see your friends' activities, or maybe not yet.

Do you have any Discussions scheduled?

If you have none, you can click on Join Conversation.

You will see what times area available for discussions with our tutors.

If you want to have some writing corrected you should click on submit Writing.



10) Now you are ready to start studying on your own.

Go to the Library  which you will find under Lessons.

Choose something you  like from the My Level area at the top of the Library.

You can open the lesson and start studying.

If you prefer you can click on the collection to see a number of similar lessons.

We have just explained a few of the functions at LingQ.

But these are the most important things that you can do at LingQ.

If you need more information please take the time to watch our videos, or visit our Wiki.